2023 Mask Mandate and Proof of Vaccination or Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test Policies
For over 49 years, the peoples of ConFusion have come together and supported one another in order to create amazing conventions. As the years continued onward, ConFusion members have worked together to continually learn, grow and recognize changes we needed to enact in order to become more inclusive, supportive and safe.
Due to the continued risk of Covid-19, we have decided to continue our Covid safety protocols. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for all attendees, including those at-risk and immuno-compromised. Thank you for being cooperative in making our community a place that everyone can enjoy. Please review our 2023 policies.
Mask Mandate:
Everyone (age 2+) are required to wear an approved Mask while attending Avatar: The Legend of ConFusion 2023.
An approved Mask must, at a minimum; fit properly and snuggly, fully covering your nose and mouth, and secure under your chin.
- Masks/Face Coverings NOT PERMITTED:
- Masks with exhalation valves
- Face coverings, including bandanas, that are unable to be secured under your chin
- Neck Gaitors
- Masks with mesh materials
- Masks which contain holes or are significantly damaged
- Costume masks
- Clear, open bottom, plastic face shields, only. (may be worn in conjunction with an approved mask)
This policy applies to all members (Age 2+) including staff,dealers, artists, presenters, guests, and cosplayers, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status.
There are no exceptions to the Mask Mandate, however, as always, email us at accessibility@confusionsf.org for help with accommodations for those with disabilities.
Proof of Vaccination or Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test Policy:
Everyone age 5+ is required to provide one of two options:
- Proof of Vaccination with Valid Government ID
- Proof of a Negative COVID-19 Test taken within the 72 hours prior to picking up your badge, upon arrival.
For the health and safety of all members attending Avatar: The Legend of ConFusion 2023, we are requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Understanding that there are numerous reasons for a member’s possible inability to provide proof of vaccination, we wanted to include the Negative COVID-19 test option.
If you elect to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 Test, we require the testing to be completed within 72 hours prior to your arrival and badge pick-up. Please plan your COVID-19 testing to coincide with when you plan to arrive and pick up your badge.
We are currently looking at options that will allow pre-registered members to provide their Proof of Vaccination (only) in advance, digitally. We will announce how to do that, when we have established a method. It will not be required, but we do want to provide that option.
Anyone opting for Proof of a Negative COVID-19 Test must provide that at-the-door, as you pick up your badge.
AASFA and Avatar: The Legend of ConFusion WILL NOT be responsible for validating the authenticity of the information provided.
Members Age 2-17 Requirements:
Anyone ages 2-17 is required to wear an approved Mask, per our Mask Mandate above.
- The CDC currently recommends that you do NOT put a mask on a child under the age of 2. We support the CDC Guidelines with our youngest members.
Anyone ages 5-17 are required to show proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 Test taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to arrival.
- Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) of Members age 5-17 years must provide proof of COVID-19 Vaccination for your child/teen, or proof of Negative COVID-19 Test taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to arrival. No Exceptions, Please.
Avatar: The Legend of ConFusion understands and empathizes with Parental and Guardian difficulties during a pandemic. We strongly encourage you to follow current CDC Guidelines with regards to your child/children and vaccination or COVID-19 testing. We care about your children too!
We want to respect and support the medical choices a parent or legal guardian makes for their child, while also providing a mitigated risk to the entire con by requesting Proof of Vaccination or Negative COVID-19 Test for our youngest members as well. Because of the pandemic, we will be altering our traditional KidFusion and TeenFusion programming, slightly:
- We will not be providing snacks and beverages to KidFusion and TeenFusion for 2023. Please do not send your child/teen to their programming space, with snacks or drinks.
- All KidFusion or Teen Fusion programming will be held in their assigned room, and on our schedule, but we will not be providing hours of open, “hang out time”. Only scheduled programming will be occurring in our KidFusion and TeenFusion spaces for 2023.
- Any member under the age of 17 that does not abide by the Mask Mandate within the KidFusion or TeenFusion spaces, will have their parent/legal adult contacted in order to immediately correct the issue.
- Repeated issues may require us to prohibit your child from attending any programming without their Parent or Legal Adult in attendance.
Happily, we have seen time and time again, how our youngest members thrive and shine while abiding by ConFusion policies. We believe they will do the same this year!