Thank you for your interest in becoming part of
the Artist Alley at Avatar: The Legend of ConFusion 2023.

Our Artist Alley is perfect for those who do not require the necessity of special setups, or a locked down Dealer’s Room. Artists featured in our Artist Alley have no set times to be at their tables, however we do recommend that Artists try to be present during the Dealer Room hours, as that is when foot traffic is busiest. 

Artist Alley is comprised of single table set-ups, located in the large open hall, near the ballrooms of our hotel. It is not closed down, or locked and artists are free to come and go at their tables. 

Be Advised: Avatar: The Legend of ConFusion 2023 has a COVID-19 Policy in place, that applies to every person, regardless of badge type. There are NO Exceptions. Please see our full COVID-19 Policy here:

Please carefully read the Artist Alley Information located below or on our
ConFusion Artist Alley Application Here!


  • Artist Alley is juried (not all applicants will be granted space).  
  • Artists must check-in at the Registration Desk prior to setting up their table. NO Exceptions.
  • Masks must be worn by all Artists and table workers, during pack-in/pack-out. NO Exceptions.
  • Table price is $120. (1 (one) Artist Alley badge included) Limit 1 table (6 ft). 
  • NO sharing of tables is allowed. Only one Artist Business is authorized at a table. 
  • No refunds/transfers/exchanges on Artist Alley tables or badges after acceptance and purchase. 
  • Each Artist Alley participant must have a badge to operate in Artist Alley.
  • Only 1(one) badge is included in the purchase of an Artist Alley Table.
  • MAX of 2 Artist Alley Badges per table. No Exceptions. 
  • Additional Pre-Registered Artist Alley Worker Badge is $75 (Limit of 1 additional badge) and must be applied for on your application.
  • Artists must use provided table, and not bring their own. 
  • All payments must be processed through PayPal.
  • Artist Alley Worker Badges requested after the application is closed will be subject to at-the door prices.  ($90.00)
  • Applications are due by December 15, 2022.
  • Payment is due by January 5, 2023. No Exceptions. 
  •  Artist’s and Artist Alley Workers must be 18+ of age. No Exceptions.


***NEW INFO*****

Artists may NOT unpack their wares into the Hotel Hallways until:

  1.  They provide their legal ID, Proof of Vaccination OR Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival to the Registration Desk in order to pick up their badge. 
  2. They check in with the Dealer/Artist Alley Staff located outside the Dealer Room (across from Ops Desk)



Artist Alley Pack In Hours: Fri. Jan. 20th 2023 
-Friday: 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Artist Alley Pack-Out Hours: Sun. Jan 22nd 2023
-Sunday: 3:00pm -5:00pm

Dealer Room Public Hours: (High Traffic Time for Artist Alley)
Friday: 6pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday: 11am to 3pm



Due to our COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies Applicants agree and understand that: 


  • Artist/Owner (applicant) may NOT pick up the additional badge for their worker. Their additional dealer worker must provide their own legal ID, Proof of Vaccination OR Proof of Nevagtive COVID-19 Test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival, to the Registration Desk to pick up their own badge. 
  • Your additional worker will not be authorized to enter the Artist Alley, even for Pack-In/Set-up, until they have picked up their badge. NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Only registered Artists (and their additional registered Artist Alley worker) will be allowed for Pack-in/Pack-out. 
  • Do not arrive and begin packing in, before going to Registration Desk in the lobby. NO Exceptions. Failure to first check in and pick up badge at Registration can result in loss of your Artist Alley spot. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Questions? Email:

Apply to the 2023 ConFusion Artist Alley!


Looking to be a Dealer in our Dealer’s Room? Please visit: 2023 ConFusion Dealer Room Application

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